*This is an updated version of a post originally published in May 2018* If you are a teacher in the Northern Hemisphere, the new academic year is heating up. The…
This post is especially for parents who are trying to find the right pre-school for their child. If you are on the hunt already, you may have noticed that many…
Art can play an important role in children’s learning. For example, it can encourage children to experience the world in new and divergent ways. Art can also allow children to explore…
In our busy and digital-driven world, many children have little opportunity to engage in everyday play in nature. Recent research has also illustrated that technology is significantly affecting how children think…
Every December I wander through the children’s section of my local department store perusing the latest toys and gadgets. While I am not a mother myself, I get great joy…
In this post I discuss my understanding of the term 'pedagogy' and the ability for the process of documentation to act as a tool to critically think about the assumptions, beliefs and practices that shape a learning environment.
Children’s play with materials is important as it allows them to think and learn in different ways. As a child’s creativity is always limited by what they do and do…
Dance is an important part of both early childhood education and visual art. This post talks about why creative movement is important in children’s learning and introduces the work of…
This post explores 'demonstrating' as a technique for facilitating children's learning with and through art in museums.