The folks at 99% Invisible have created some fab new podcasts and articles on the relationship between children, play and the material world. And because I am a massive nerd, I…
I am so happy to introduce my new Play Shapes resource for families! This is a free PDF print out that is given to everyone who signs up to the…
Documenting children’s learning is an intricate process. In this expert interview, Mara Krechevsky, a senior researcher at Harvard’s Project Zero research centre, discusses the ins-and-outs of making learning visible. Documenting…
Little kids love tasting things. While this can be gross, and at times even dangerous, it is also a very important part of their learning and development. This post shares…
Frederich Fröbel’s founded the first kindergarten in 1700s Germany. Since this time, his work on education has influenced many people including a myriad of teachers, artists and architects. In this…
In our busy and digital-driven world, many children have little opportunity to engage in everyday play in nature. Recent research has also illustrated that technology is significantly affecting how children think…
This post features a review of Peter Moorhouse’s book ‘Learning Through Woodwork‘ – a wonderful publication for practitioners that outlines the importance of woodwork in the early years. Back when I…
Every December I wander through the children’s section of my local department store perusing the latest toys and gadgets. While I am not a mother myself, I get great joy…
Children’s play with materials is important as it allows them to think and learn in different ways. As a child’s creativity is always limited by what they do and do…